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Enjoy 10% OFF or in-house brand products or TCM treatment

Enjoy 10% OFF or in-house brand products or TCM treatment

Ferragold TCM

1 Park Road, #03-49-52, People's Park Complex, Singapore 059108


Promotion Details

  • Up to 10% discounts for in-house brand products
  • Up to 10% discounts for TCM & Acupunctural treatment
  • Terms & Conditions

  • Appointment is recommended and subject to availability. Please quote ‘ASA Holidays’ when making appointment
  • Discounts cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions, offers, privileges, discounts, vouchers, loyalty programmes, privilege card (s) and are mutually exclusive.
  • Ferragold reserves the right to revise or review the above terms and conditions at any time during the period with reasonable written notice to Air Sino-Euro Associates.
  • Air Sino-Euro Associates Travel Pte Ltd (ASA Holidays) is not an agent of the merchant. Any dispute regarding the quality or service standard must be resolved directly with the respective merchants. Air Sino-Euro Associates Travel Pte Ltd (ASA Holidays) will not assume any liability or responsibility for the acts of the merchants or any defects in products or services offered in the promotion.
  • Enjoy 10% OFF or in-house brand products or TCM treatment