
⭐ No shopping tour,Local 5 star hotels accommadation

⭐ Sightseeing Three Gorges by Centurama Verse Cruise :

Qutang Gorge、Wu Gorge、XilingGorge,

Enjoy Cruise theme Performances

⭐ Mr. Wudang Golden Summit,Zixiao Palace,Nanyan Palace,

Taizi Slope,Tai Chi Experience

⭐ Xiangyang Ancient Town,Han Garden Xijiachi,Tang Film City,

Jingzhou Town,Dangyang Guandi Temple,Three Gorges Waterfall,

Yichang Chexi Scenic Spot,Three Gorges Resettlement Museum

Additional Tour :RMB600/pax

Mt. Wudang Yuxu Palace + Xiangyang North Street + Chu King’s Chariot and Horse +

Three Gorges Performing City

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Fly from Singapore to Yichang (via Haikou), upon arrival coach to Fengjie (about 5 hrs). Enjoy the scenic viewing along the way. Arrive Fengjie to check into the hotel after dinner.

Meals On Board / Dinner



This morning 8:00am to board Centurama Verse sightseeing Cruise at Fengjie Baotaiping Port. At 9:00am, the Centurama Verse cruise sets sail, entering the magnificent Qutang Gorge and Kui Gate at about 9:15am. Take a photo same as the back design of RMB10 note, then enjoy the Movie & Viewing & themed Performance on the cruise. Around 10:50am, the cruise enters the beautiful Wu Gorge, where you can look for the Twelve Peaks of Wushan. Around 11:50am, cruise passes through the junction of Chongqing and Hubei—Chu-Shu Chasm, experiencing the magic of "the bow of the boat has entered Hubei, but the stern still remains in Sichuan." The restaurant operates from 10:30am to 1:30pm and you can enjoy buffet lunch. Around 12:40pm, the cruise passes through the city of Badong, Hubei. At around 2:45pm, cruise enters the magnificent Xiling Gorge, marveling at nature's handiwork. In the afternoon, enjoy the themed performance. At around 4:00pm, the cruise arrives at Yichang Zigui Port. Disembark and after dinner check into the hotel.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, head to Wudang Mountain (about 4 hrs). This is the place where the Taoist deity Zhenwu practiced and ascended to immortality. The Yongle Emperor’s project of 'building the Forbidden City in the north and repairing Wudang in the south' . This also allowed the ancient architecture here to reflect the grandeur and magnificence of the imperial palace.Zixiao Palace: It is one of the most well-preserved palaces on Wudang Mountain, located at the foot of Zhanqi Peak, northeast of the main peak, Tianzhufeng. (People visit Zixiao Palace to pray for marriage, children, blessings, and to avoid disasters.)Nanyan Palace: The entire Nanyan Palace is embedded into the cliffside, built against the mountain. Its steepness is comparable to that of the Hanging Monastery on Mount Heng. (People visit Nanyan Palace to pray for longevity, happiness, and good health.)Taizi Slope: The most popular spot for photos on Mt. Wudang. The buildings ascend step by step and the red walls and green tiles highlight the ancient historical heritage. (People visit Prince Slope to pray for success in the imperial exams and academic achievements.)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



Today, we will take the cable car to the Golden Summit of Mt. Wudang, which is at an elevation of 1,612 m. It was first constructed in the 14th year of the Yongle Emperor’s reign, under the orders of Emperor Zhu Di. The Golden Hall on the summit is the highest-ranking copper-cast hall remaining, and it is the most finely crafted of its kind. The eternal light has been burning continuously for 600 years. (People visit the Golden Summit to pray for peace, wealth, and blessings for their parents.) Next, we will attend a Tai Chi experience class: Learn Tai Chi for health with Wudang martial arts instructor and wellness coach Xuan Yuanzu.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, head to Xiangyang (about 1.5 hrs). You will visit Xijiachi known as the first suburban garden in China, it was established during the Eastern Han Dynasty. It is the only famous garden from the Han Dynasty still standing. Xiangyang Ancient Town where Guo Jing and Huang Rong from Jin Yong's novels defended, with a history of 2,800 years. It is one of the earliest ancient city defense systems in China, It is also the birthplace of Three Kingdoms culture. Town Moat known as the first city moat in China, it is the widest in Asia, stretching 5,060 m in length and reaching a width of 250 m.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, coach to Dangyang (about 2 hrs). You will visit Tang Film City, the filming base for movies and TV shows. On the way to visit Jingzhou Ancient Town (include painted boat), one of the four best-preserved ancient city walls in China, with a history of over 3,000 years. It was the capital of the Chu Kingdom during the Warring States period.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



Today, we will visit Guandi Temple in Dangyang, one of the three major Guandi temples in China, and the final resting place of the legendary General Guan. Next head to the Three Gorges Waterfall (including electric cart): One of the widest waterfalls in the world, with a width of 100 meters. After the visit, we will coach to Yichang (about 1 hr).

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, go to visit the Chexi Scenic Area, themed around 'Dreaming of My Hometown,' the scenic area features rural landscapes and Tujia ethnic customs, offering a chance to experience the ancient culture of the Ba and Chu people. In the afternoon, visit Binjiang Park and the Three Gorges Migrant Museum. Afterwards, transfer to the airport board your return flight.

Meals On Board / Breakfast / Lunch



Your flight (via Haikou) arrived Singapore in morning, end of a pleasant journey. We hope you have a wonderful time with ASA Holidays!

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Day 1D1: 新加坡 / 宜昌 / 奉节


新加坡飞往宜昌(经停海口),抵达后乘车前往奉节 (约5hrs),沿途欣赏山水景致,抵达晚餐后入住酒店休息。早午餐:机上用餐 晚餐:川菜风味

飞机餐 / 晚餐

Day 2D2: 江山如诗 观光游船


今早8点宝塔坪码头登船,9:00江山如诗观光游船启航,约9:15驶入壮美瞿塘峡夔门,打卡十元人民币背面图案,接着欣赏游船主题表演,电影院观影或甲板观景。约10:50游船驶入秀美巫峡,寻觅巫山十二峰。约11:50游船经过重庆湖北交界处—楚蜀鸿沟,体验“船头已入鄂,船尾尚留川”的神奇。10:30-13:30餐厅营业,你可自由选择午餐。约12:40游船驶经湖北巴东县城。约14:45游船驶入奇美西陵峡,叹大自然鬼斧神工。下午欣赏主题表演,约16:00抵达宜昌秭归港,离船登岸,接船晚餐后入住酒店。早餐:酒店 午餐:游船自助 晚餐:三峡鱼宴

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 3D3: 宜昌 / 武当山


早餐后,乘车前往天下第一仙山—武当山(约4hrs),这里是道教中真武大帝(玄武大帝)修炼飞升的地方。永乐皇帝的“北建故宫,南修武当”工程,使武当山的道观成为了明帝国皇室的家庙,也让这里的古建筑体现了皇宫的宏伟壮丽。紫霄宫:是武当山现存最完善的宫殿之一,位于武当山主 峰天柱峰东北的展旗峰下。周围的山峰自然形成了 一把二龙戏珠的宝椅形状,使得紫霄宫显得尤为神圣和庄严。(紫霄宫求:姻缘求子,祈福免灾)南岩宫:整个南岩宫镶嵌于悬崖峭壁上,依山而建,就险峻程度和恒山的悬空寺可以相提并论。(南岩宫求:长寿幸福康宁)太子坡:武当山的最红打卡地,建筑拾级而上,廊道曲曲折折,红墙绿瓦彰显千年历史遗迹。(太子坡求:金榜题名,学业功名)早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:山珍风味

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 4D4: 武当山金顶


今天我们将乘坐缆车登武当山金顶,武当山金顶海拔1612米,始于明永乐十四年(1415年)由明成祖朱棣下令修建,武当山金殿是目前现存铸铜殿阁中级别最高,制作技艺最精的一座,而金顶上的长明灯已经燃烧 600年不灭。(金顶求:平安,财运,保佑父母)接着上堂太极体验课:跟随武当武术教练,养生导师玄缘子学习太极养生。自费项目:玉虚宫:武当山建筑群中最大的宫殿,共有亭 台楼榭宫殿等建筑2200余间,规模之大可比秦朝阿房宫。早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:素斋风味

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 5D5: 武当山 / 襄阳


早餐后,告别武当山前往襄阳(约1.5hrs),你将游览:习家池:中国郊野园林第一家,始建于东汉时期,是中国现存最早的园林建筑,也是中国仅有的汉代名园。襄阳古城:金庸笔下郭靖黄蓉镇守的襄阳城,有2800年建城历史,是中国最早的古城建筑防御体系之一,古城墙总长7331米,是三国文化发源地。护城河:华夏第一城池,亚洲最宽护城河,长5060米,河面宽度达250米。自费项目:北街:中国最长的仿古步行街。 早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:三国宴

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 6D6: 襄阳 / 荆州 / 当阳


早餐后,离开襄阳前往当阳(约2hrs),你将游览:中国唐城:影视拍摄基地,妖猫传,梦华录,庆余年等曾都在此取景。 荆州古城(含画舫船) :是中国现存完好的四座古城墙之一,建城史有3000多年,战国七雄楚国的都城。自费项目:楚王车马阵:北有秦皇兵马俑,南有楚王车马阵,被称为“中国仅有,天下第一”。早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:夷陵风味

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 7D7: 当阳 / 宜昌


今天先参观当阳关帝庙,它是中国三大关庙之一,官二爷的长眠之处。随后前往三峡大瀑布(含电瓶车):是世界上最宽的瀑布之一,宽度达到100米,除了观赏瀑布之外,还可选择穿瀑而过,感受水雾飞溅,气势磅礴的视觉震撼。游览完毕乘车返回宜昌(约1hr)。自费项目:三峡演艺城:篝火晚会 + 歌舞表演早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:巴楚盛宴

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 8D8: 宜昌 / 新加坡


早餐后, 前往游览车溪民俗旅游区:以“梦里老家”为主题,景区内有田园风光和土家族民俗风情,这里可以体验到古老的巴楚民风。古作坊展示区可观看北宋造纸作坊、土陶作坊、扎染、印染作坊、酿酒作坊、体验“竹子变成纸、泥巴变成陶、苞谷变可以观看酒”的全过程。在三峡民俗村内,可欣赏土家歌舞和原生态民俗表演。下午游览滨江公园和三峡移民博物馆后,送往机场登机返程。早餐:酒店 午餐:中式桌餐 晚餐:机上用餐

飞机餐 / 早餐 / 午餐

Day 9D9:抵达新加坡



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*Note: Confirmed departure dates were highlighted in Green color .

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Filipino: Yes
Australian: Yes
American: Yes
Indian: Yes
Chinese: No
Singaporean: No
Indonesia: Yes
Malaysian: Yes

*Please note that the above visa information should be used as a reference without warranties.


A gratuities fee will be given to the guide & driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.

Useful Info


.In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the

itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice

in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.

· All bookings will be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this brochure.

· Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.

· Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.

· The tour is conducted in Mandarin.

· All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.

· During major events, accommodation may not be available in the city mentioned.

· ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your trip to ensure coverage.

· All flights are subject to change without prior notice.

· In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese version.

· Room types are based on the run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences in the room allocated.

· Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.

· Gratuity: A nominal fee of RMB 30 per person per day will be given to the guide and driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.

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