Tour Highlight


Leofoo Village Theme Park


Longteng Bridge

Old Mountain Line Railbike Tour

Shengxing Station


Gao Mei Wetland

Feng Jia Night Market

Yizhong Street


Hinoki Village

Minxiong Kumquat Factory


Tsou Ma Lai Farm

Teyang Navy Destroyer Museum

Anping Old Street


E-Da Theme Park

The Great Harbor Bridge

The Pier 2 Arts Center


Rongjin Park

Pineapple Cake Museum Tour



6 Breakfast, 6 Lunch, 3 Dinner

Accommodation (4 Stars)

1st night: Miller Inn or similar class

2nd night: City Suites Zhen’ai or similar class

3rd night: Tsou Ma Lai Farm or similar class

4th night: Xing Yang Business or similar class

5th night: Leofoo Resort Guanshi or similar class

6th night: Taisugar Hotel or similar class

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Tonight, assemble at Singapore Changi Airport and begin your holiday with a pleasant flight to Taiwan.

Meals On Board



Upon arrival, depart for Miaoli and visit Longteng Bridge and experience the Old Mountain Line Railbike Tour. In order to get an unforgettable, panoramic view of Miaoli, which includes the renowned Shengxing Station, bicycle along the more than 100-year-old railway line. You can visit Shengxing Old Street after arriving at Shengxing Station to sample the renowned Hakka cuisine. Next, visit Gao Mei Wetland, which covers a vast expanse of 1500 hectares with an amazing rich biodiversity to explore. This evening, get set for a gastronomic experience at Feng Jia Night Market, savouring and slurping various local street snacks.




After breakfast, visit Taiwan's first navy museum and discover the history of naval development at the Teyang Navy Destroyer Museum. The most striking features of the Anping Port can be seen when you step aboard a real navy ship. On the deck, take pictures next to the teddy bear captain and enjoy the breathtaking scenery all around the ship. Next, visit Anping Old Street, which is reputed to be Taiwan's oldest street, following that. It's a terrific location to take in Taiwan's fascinating history and delectable cuisine because it's surrounded by numerous other historical monuments and is the hub of the island's gastronomic capital. Thereafter, visit the Great Harbor Bridge which is the first horizontally rotating landscape bridge in Taiwan and the longest cross-port rotating bridge in Asia. Continue to visit The Pier 2 Arts Center, which used to be an old and forgotten warehouse steeped in history and rejuvenated by a group of artists who injected waves of creativity and inspiration.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, visit the Aboriginal Local Product Center. Next, continue our tour to E-Da Theme Park, Taiwan's first and only theme park with Greek Aegean Sea influences. The park is divided into three themed areas and has more than 50 amenities. A Greek temple-inspired design is used for the "City of David" sign at the entrance. Theater: The E-Da Royal Theater has more than 1,800 plush, comfortable seats. The Greek love of sea blue and white mountain cities is reflected in the design of "Santorini Mountain City." There are various specialty shops and restaurants full of exotic flavors, so that you can enjoy the feeling of being in a foreign country without going abroad. Tonight, we will be staying at night at Tsou Ma Lai Farm. It was the earliest recreational farm in Tainan and remains popular. The site is covered in trees, allowing visitors to take a refreshing forest bath, and the variety of outdoor recreation options ensures they never get bored. One of the must do thing is take a picture with Rainbow Horse, the icon of Tsou Ma Lai Farm.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, you can enjoy the activities in farm which including grass skating, cycling, archery, horse riding, golf, and the kids' favorite, the animal area. Besides recreation in the grass area, there are bumper boats and pedal boats on the water, plus a well-equipped water park and swimming area with an enormous water slide, a good option for cooling down in the summertime. Next, visit Hinoki Village. It consists of a number of Japanese influenced huts which were apparently dormitories for the forestry division workers during Japanese rule. This is where you can find the best souvenirs to bring home. Thereafter, visit Minxiong Kumquat Factory where you can learn about the nutritional and the processing of Kamquat products. Kumquat has a different taste from the peel to the seeds. You can experience cooking of fresh fruit into jam and you can get a bottle (140ml) of jam made by yourself. Tonight, we will go to one of the famous night markets in Taichung - Yizhong Street.

Breakfast / Lunch



After breakfast, enjoy a fun filled at Leofoo Village Theme Park. Begin your wonderful and magical adventure by visiting 4 famous theme areas – Wild West, South Pacific, African safari and Arabian Kingdom. Tonight, you will stay at Leofoo Resort Guanshi, Asia's first safari resort with an African theme. Looking out from your room’s window, you may get the chance to see the herbivorous animals roaming in the park. Additionally, you will also be able to marvel at the bright blue skies and the vast expanse of greenery.

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, visit the Pineapple Cake Tour with DIY Pineapple Cake Making. Thereafter, visit Tian Lu Art Centre to discover geomantic art. Next, visit Rongjin Park. The site was built in 1905 and the buildings served as former dormitories for government officials. It turned the place into a relaxing environment with 15 restaurants, coffee shops, and dessert stores. Tonight, immerse yourself in the vibrant ambience at Ximending, Taipei’s famed shopping area and the epicenter of the city’s youth culture to shop.

Breakfast / Lunch



If time permits in the morning, enjoy last-minute shopping. Then you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back to Singapore. We hope that you will have a memorable vacation with ASA Holidays.

Meals On Board / Breakfast

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Day 1新加坡 – 桃园




Day 2桃园 – 苗栗 – 台中




Day 3台中 – 高雄



早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 4高雄 – 台南


早餐后,参观山地特产中心后,来到义大游乐世界,共分为三大区域,分别为以古希腊神殿风格打造的大卫城、希腊圣托里尼山城,以及希腊神话中特洛伊城堡三个区域。园区内有适合亲子同游的设施、阖家观赏的表演秀,挑战胆量的 AR 鬼船、天旋地转,更有亚洲最大VR主题馆等你来挑战,视觉、听觉、嗅觉及触觉同步感受。此外,这里还有超人气的吉祥物们分别是犀牛大义、驴子唐基、可爱的阿波罗与黛安娜,还有鹈鹄典典与您相见!今晚入住走马濑农场,融合草原、山林、河川之景观于一体的园区。园区里的纽西兰牧野草原风情,浩瀚壮丽,独步全台湾。其中高达16米的巨型「彩虹马」的彩色装置站在农场大草原上相当吸睛,也是网红打卡热点。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 5台南 – 嘉义 – 台中


早餐后,你可以自由参加农场活动包括骑马、滑草、射箭、到人体动力的协力车、单车、山训场;水上游乐的脚踏船、碰碰船、体能训练场、高尔夫迷你推杆场以及大型滑水道的戏水世界等等。下一站游览桧意森活村,北门驿车站的桧木建筑古今飘香,昔日林班宿舍群改建的「桧意森活村」是今日的人气景点,沿着蜿蜒的铁轨,探索阿里山火车车库园区,在黄藤、旧 铁轨编织的「森林之歌」地景艺术里,找到山林天地间互传声息的能量。随后,我们将参观民雄金桔观光工厂, 认识金桔的营养价值、了解加工过程及美味产品。此外,我们将会制作金桔果酱DIY,体验由鲜果慢慢熬煮成果酱的乐趣,将自己亲手制作的果酱带走。晚上,前往台中人最爱的一中商圈逛逛,自费品尝一些别有风味的地方小吃。

早餐 / 午餐

Day 6台中 – 新竹


早餐后,畅游如梦想王国的六福村主题乐园和动物园,展开一个美妙神奇的冒险之旅。您也可以参观有四大主题村之称的阿拉伯皇宫、美国大西部、南太平洋和非洲部落, 体验真实与梦幻交织的观乐王国。今晚,您将住宿于关西六福庄,这是全亚洲唯一拥有动物园区的生社家饭店。您将也可能有会从房内的观景落地窗,观赏蓝天与原始绿色生态。

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 7新竹 – 台北



早餐 / 午餐

Day 8台北 – 桃园 – 新加坡



飞机餐 / 早餐

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*Note: Confirmed departure dates were highlighted in Green color .

Price From (SGD)
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Price From (SGD)
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Immigration procedures require all tourists to possess a passport with minimum 6 months validity from the day of departure. Singapore passport do not require a visa to Taiwan. For foreign passport, please ensure relevant visa is applied should you need one. It is necessary to bring along re-entry permit or air ticket to country of origin for passenger not holding Singapore passport. It is advisable to keep separately a photocopy of your travel document.



Spring (Mar – May): 15 – 25 °C / 春天 (三月–五月)

Summer (Jun – Aug): 25 – 33°C / 夏天 ( 六月–八月 )

Autumn (Sep – Nov): 13 – 20°C / 秋天 (九月–十一月)

Winter (Dec – Feb): 05 – 15°C / 冬天 (十二月–二月)

We suggest you to update the weather through news or internet closer to departure.



Tipping and Service Charges

Total Per Pax (Applicable for 2 years and above):

5D Taiwan Tour: NT$1000

6D Taiwan Tour: NT$1200

7D Taiwan Tour: NT$1400

8D Taiwan Tour: NT$1600

9D Taiwan Tour: NT$1800

Useful Info

1. In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.

2. All bookings will be subjected to terms and conditions as stipulated in this brochure.

3. Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.

4. Minimum group size of 16 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 15 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.

5. Tour is conducted in Mandarin.

6. All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.

7. During major events, accommodation may not be in the city mentioned

8. ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your travel to ensure coverage.

9. All flights are subject to change without prior notice

10. In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to Chinese version.

11. Room types are based on run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences of the room allocated.

12. Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.

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