*World Cultural Landscape - Lushan Mountain

*Millennium Porcelain Capital - Jingdezhen

*Most Beautiful Village – Wuyuan

*Natural Heritage - Sanqingshan Mountain,

*Internet-famous Check-in Spots - Wangxian Ravine and Gexian Mountain

*Taoist Sacred Mountain - Longhu Mountain."

*Two nights at the first Internet-famous hotel, Pullman Dujiangyan Resort, in Nanchang. Two nights stay at Sanqingshan."

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Check-in at the hotel after airport pickup.Hotel: Rongchuang Pullman or similar (5-star)

Meals On Board



Visit Longhushan, located 20 kilometers southwest of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. It is the eighth World Natural Heritage Site in China, a World Geopark, a national dual heritage site of natural and cultural significance, and a national 5A-level tourist scenic area. Longhushan showcases typical Danxia landform scenery in China. Take a boat tour of Lixi River, which is crystal clear with green water throughout the year, earning the nickname 'Little Li River.' Then, witness the performance of the Hanging Coffin. Shangqing Ancient Town has a history of over a thousand years and is deeply rooted in Taoist culture. It features unique Gan-style architectural landmarks and exhibits the authentic local folk customs. Local specialties include chestnuts, fermented bean curd, dried eggplant, and more. Tianshifu is located on the Piba Peak in Shangqing Town, Guixi City, Yingtan, Jiangxi Province, with Mount Hua as its backdrop. Hotel: Qinlu Junlan Hotel or Fengdan Bailu Hotel, or Similar (5-star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, proceed to Gexian Mountain. Gexian Mountain is located in Gexianshan Town, Qianshan County, in the middle of Shangrao City, Jiangxi Province. It is situated at the northern foot of Wuyi Mountain, with its main peak, Gexian Peak, reaching an altitude of 1,096.3 meters. The Gexian Mountain Scenic Area covers an area of 50 square kilometers and is known as the 'Number One Spiritual Treasure of China.' Visit the Dagexian Temple (including round-trip cable car ride). After lunch, head to the Wangxian Ravine Scenic Area. The planned area of the scenic area is approximately 6.1 square kilometers and consists of five major regions: Jiuniu, Yanpu, Nanshan, Yuanshanding, and Fangcun. It is a tourist destination that combines sightseeing, entertainment, leisure, vacation, exploration, and wellness. Enjoy the night view of Wangxian Ravine and admire the illuminated cliff-side architecture, which is a unique highlight.Hotel: Sanqingshan Jinchen Mountain Villa or similar (5-star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, take the cable car up to Sanqingshan and visit the Nanshingyuan, the central area of the southern core of the scenic area. The walking trails in the area follow the natural mountain contours and landscape, forming a circular route. The scenic area is known for its peculiar and unique granite peaks, lush rhododendron flowers covering the mountains and ridges, and picturesque landscapes resembling a celestial painting. Highlights include the magnificent sea of clouds, a hundred-mile pine forest, thrilling suspension bridge, transparent glass (Qiankun) observation deck, paying respects to the Three Pure Ones, crossing the Immortal Bridge, Wood Light Pavilion, Cao Guojiu's enlightenment, the Deaf and Mute Place, the deep and secluded canyon, various sculptures of the Eastern Goddess and giant pythons emerging from the mountains. The Xihai Coast Scenic Area, also known as the Xihai Cliff Path, is located in the western part of Sanqingshan. It stretches out from the cliffs of the high mountain at an altitude of about 1,600 meters, forming a steel-reinforced concrete path that is approximately 3,700 meters long and 1.3 to 2 meters wide. It features 2,700 steps that resemble a ribbon, smooth and flat like a shore, hence its name, Xihai Coast.Hotel: Sanqingshan Jinchen Mountain Villa or similar (5-star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast, head to the picturesque rural village of Wuyuan and visit the Shuimo Shanghe Scenic Area. The Shuimo Shanghe Scenic Area has a history of more than 920 years. The village is nestled against Qing Mountain, surrounded by water on three sides, and has a shape resembling a large ingot. It is known as the 'Treasured Land of the Heavenly Son.' Climb to the top of Wenfeng Tower and enjoy the panoramic view of the shimmering lake and colorful mountains. The distant mountains are like ink paintings, creating a beautiful picture washed with simplicity and elegance. Afterwards, visit the Huangling Scenic Area (including round-trip cable car ride). The village is nestled among the clouds and is known as the 'Village in the Clouds.' Huangling is a typical mountain village, with houses arranged in a fan-shaped and stepped layout around the water inlet. The scenic area consists of various areas for sightseeing, including aerial views from the cable car, exploring the ancient streets of the village, enjoying the flower fields on the terraced fields, and experiencing the local customs and traditions. Sun drying of autumn harvest is a typical folk phenomenon in the region, showcasing strong regional characteristics.Hotel: Wuyuan Qinlu Boutique Hotel or similar (4 -star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast at the hotel, take a car ride to Jingdezhen, the Millennium Porcelain Capital. Visit the Jingdezhen China Ceramic Museum, where approximately 20,000 fine ceramic artworks produced in different historical periods of Jingdezhen since the Neolithic era are displayed. Among them, there are over 500 national treasures. Explore the Ancient Kiln Folk Customs Exhibition Area (optional tour) covering an area of 83 hectares. It is a cultural tourist area that combines cultural exhibitions, ceramic experiences, and leisure entertainment. It is the only national-level tourist attraction in the country with a ceramic culture theme. Learn about the modern ceramic production techniques at Fu Yu Ceramics or Cihai Guanyao before heading to the historic and culturally rich city of Jiujiang for accommodation.Hotel: Jiujiang Xinluye+ (5-star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After a hotel buffet breakfast, visit the unique World Cultural Landscape of China, Mount Lu. Explore the HuaJing Park, as well as scenic spots like Jinxiu Valley, Yubei Pavilion, Tianqiao, and Xianfeng within the Jinxiu Valley. Many historical and cultural figures have visited this place, leaving behind numerous cultural relics. Visit the Meilu Villa (optional tour) and the Former Site of the Lushan Conference (optional tour).Hotel: Rongchuang Pullman or similar (5-star)

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner



After breakfast at the hotel, visit the first of the three famous towers in the Jiangnan region, Tengwang Pavilion, which is a landmark building in Nanchang. It was first built in the fourth year of the Tang Yonghui era (653 AD). It gained fame worldwide due to the poem "Preface to Tengwang Pavilion" written by Wang Bo, a poet of the early Tang dynasty. Visit the Jiangxi Provincial Museum, which was established in 1953 and is the largest comprehensive museum in the province. Take a car ride to Bayi Square. Explore the unique cultural and local characteristics of the Meihu Scenic Area, a magnificent and picturesque "Jiangnan urban historical and cultural ecological scenic area" with rich Gan culture. visit the Wanshou Palace Historical and Cultural District (optional tour), which consists of historical residences, commercial streets, and the Wanshou Palace religious and cultural area. After dinner, proceed to the airport for the return flight to Singapore."

Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

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Day 1第一天:新加坡 南昌


接机后⼊住酒店。酒店: 融创铂尔曼或同级 (五星)


Day 2第二天:南昌 - 龙虎山 - 弋阳


游览【龙虎山】位于江西省鹰潭市西南20公⾥处,是中国第⼋处世界自然遗产,世界地质公园、国家自然文化双遗产地、国家5A级旅游景区。龙虎山是中国典型的丹霞地貌⻛景。【船游芦溪河】清澈⻅底,⼀年四季都是碧青色,素有‘小漓江’之称。随后观看【观悬棺表演】。【上清古镇】上清古镇已经有上千年的历史。源远流长道教文化,富有特色的赣派建筑名胜古迹,古仆淳厚的民俗风情。当地特产有:板栗、豆腐、茄子干等。【天师府】位于江西省鹰潭市贵溪市上清镇龙虎山上,南朝琵琶峰,背靠华⼭。酒店: 沁庐君澜大酒店或枫丹白露或同级 (五星)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 3第三天:弋阳 - 葛仙山 - 望仙谷 - 三清山



早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 4第四天:三清山


早餐后乘缆⻋上【三清山】,游览【南清园】南部核心景区中⼼位置,因游步道走向依自然⼭势和景观形成环状游线,景区内花岗岩峰林怪⽯妙相奇异,虬松鹃花满⼭遍岭,风景清奇秀丽宛若天上清都画苑⽽盛名。壮阔云海、百里松林、惊险刺激的悬索桥、透明玻璃(乾坤)观景台、五⽼拜三清、渡仙桥、⽟光亭、曹国舅悟道、天聋地哑、幽深峡⾕、不同⻆度的东⽅⼥神和巨蟒出⼭等,【西海岸景区】⼜称西海栈道,位于三清⼭西部。在海拔约1600⽶的高山悬崖绝壁上,横空出世,向外悬挑出⼀条全⻓约3700⽶,宽1.3米至2米的钢筋混疑⼟栈道。因其中有2700⽶不⻅台阶,宛如⽟带,平整如岸,故名西海岸。酒店: 三清⼭锦琛⼭庄或同级(五星)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 5第五天:三清山 - 婺源


早餐后前往婺源如画乡村【水墨上河风景区】游览,水墨上河景区,距今已有920多年历史;上河村背倚高山,三面环水,形似⼤元宝;素有“天⼦宝地”之称。登⽂峰塔顶,湖光⼭⾊尽收眼底。远⼭如黛,宛如⼀幅洗尽铅华淡墨写意的唯美画卷。之后前往【篁岭⻛景区】(含往返缆⻋),村庄聚⽓巢云,被称为“梯云⼈家”。篁岭属典型⼭居村落,⺠居围绕⽔⼝呈扇形梯状错落排布,景区由索道空中揽胜、村落天街访古、梯⽥花海寻芳及乡⻛⺠俗拾趣等游览区域组合⽽成。晒秋是⼀种典型的农俗现象,具有极强的地域特色。酒店: 婺源沁庐精品酒店或同级(四星)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 6第六天:婺源- 景德镇 - 九江


酒店早餐后,乘车前往千年瓷都景德镇,参观【景德镇中国陶瓷博物馆】,景德镇陶瓷馆收藏陈列着自新⽯器时代以来,景德镇各个不同历史时期⽣产的名品佳作20000件左右,其中国家珍贵文物500余件。【古窑民俗博览区(自费行程),占地83公顷,是集⽂化博览、陶瓷体验、娱乐休闲为⼀体的⽂化旅游景区,是全国唯⼀⼀家以陶瓷⽂化为主题的国家级旅游景区。【富⽟陶瓷】或瓷海官窑,了解现代制瓷技术后前往历史文化名城九江⼊住。酒店: 九江新旅樾+(五星)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 7第七天:九江 - 庐山 - 南昌


酒店自助早后,前往中国唯⼀的世界文化景观--【庐⼭】,【花径公园】;【锦绣谷】、【御碑亭】、【天桥】、【险峰】、等均为锦绣谷里景点,众多历史文化名⼈曾经游览这里,留下众多人文古迹。【美庐别墅】(自费行程), 【庐⼭会议旧址】(自费行程)。酒店: 融创铂尔曼或同级 (五星)

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

Day 8第八天:南昌 新加坡



早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐

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Filipino: Yes
Australian: Yes
American: Yes
Indian: Yes
Chinese: No
Singaporean: No
Indonesia: Yes
Malaysian: Yes

*Please note that the above visa information should be used as a reference without warranties.


A gratuities fee will be given to the guide & driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.

Tipping Guideline:

Guide and driver: RMB30 person / per day e.g.8 days =RMB240/ Pax

Useful Info


.In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the

itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice

in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.

· All bookings will be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this brochure.

· Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.

· Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.

· The tour is conducted in Mandarin.

· All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.

· During major events, accommodation may not be available in the city mentioned.

· ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your trip to ensure coverage.

· All flights are subject to change without prior notice.

· In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese version.

· Room types are based on the run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences in the room allocated.

· Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.

· Gratuity: A nominal fee of RMB 30 per person per day will be given to the guide and driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.

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