Travel Highlights :
* ASA Exclusive - Nanjing Niu Shou Mountain Circling the Pagoda to Pray for Blessings.
* Famous Jiangnan Watertown — Wuzhen
* No Shopping Pure Travel
* Seasonal Flowers & Red Leaves Viewing
* Local 5star hotels throughout
* Upgrade 1N International Brand Hotel in Wuxi.
* Enjoy free day for own activities in Shanghai
* Local Gourmet Food :Nanjing Food Stall,Wuxi Fish Pot,Hangzhou Duck Pot,Qujiafu Banquet

Assemble at Changi airport for your flight to Shanghai. Upon arrival proceed to Suzhou. You will viewing Golden Cock Lake Scenic Area and the landmark Gate of the East on the way. Next to visit Lion Grove Garden which is four famous garden in Suzhou. It is combination of traditional gardening techniques and Buddhism Ideas merged with each other and the architect Ieoh Ming Pei brought western Garden techniques and ancestral temples be introduced into Garden. Additional tour : To Suzhou Guanqian Street. The street uses the principle of Confucianism and Taoism. Many famous restaurants are distributed around Xuanmiao Temple.
Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, head to Nanjing. Mt. Niushou is also known as Tianque Mountain. It is one of the four major scenic spots in Jinling. You will visit this area and Pray for Blessings round the Pagoda, this is exclusive arranged by Singapore ASA Holidays. Special arrange seasonal flowers viewing .Next to visit Confucius Temple Qinhuai River Area. That include Culture, natural scenery, landscape and customs, food and shopping, festivals … It is a place where Nanjing history culture and one of largest ancient street market in China.Last spot is Laomendong Historical and Cultural District. Mendong is a traditional residential complex in Nanjing. As a gathering place, traditional arts are inherited here.
Breakfast / Lunch

After breakfast, visit to Great Baoen Temple Heritage Park, which is the tallest, largest and most complete temple, known as the medieval One of the seven wonders of the world. Heading to Wuxi, Yuantouzhu is the most beautiful place in Taihu Lake. You can enjoy beautiful scenery and four seasons flowers : Mar-Apr Sakura / Jun-Aug Lotus / Nov-Dec Maple leaves & Ginkgo leaves. Proceed to Huishan Ancient Town to feeling the Jiangnan style town culture.Addional Tour : To visit Wuxi Nanchang Street night market.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, Coach to Hangzhou and visit beautiful West Lake. You will enjoy Singing the Orioles in the Willow Waves and Su Di Chunxiao area ... etc.. West Lake is the soul of Hangzhou. Next to visit Yongjin Park. Yongjin Gate is said that the water of the West Lake comes from the golden bull under the Yongjin Gate. Thereafter to West Lake Hubin Yintai Commercial Street for your leisure.Addional Tour: Hangzhou Chenghuang Pavilion for city panoramic viewing。
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, proceed to Taiziwan Park for flowers viewing — Tulip 、Sakura、Magnolia in Spring / Bian flower、Red leaves in Autumn. Next go to enjoy tea tasting at Shilimeiwu Tea Village, Learn about national tea through West Lake Longjing Tea Culture . You also can experience the fun of picking at a farm. Heading to Jiannan famous watertown Wuzhen which also known as Land of Plenty and Silk House. You will visit Wuzhen East Gate and enjoy boat trip shuttle appreciate Watertown Houses.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

This morning, coach to Shanghai. Tour to visit Zhangyuan which is Shanghai largest existing and most architectural style of Shikumen architectural complex with the richest style. Next to visit Nanjing Road, it is also called China's No. 1 Commercial Street. Take a night tour to enjoy the Bund and Lujiazhui Financial Centre spectacular night viewing and feel the Shanghai-style culture.Addional Tour : Cruise ride Huangpu River to enjoy Shanghai night viewing.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Full day free & easy. You can experience Shanghai's unique cultures and pretty city landscape.

After breakfast, free at leisure till transfer to airport for your international flight back to Singapore. We hope you have had a wonderful and enjoyable time with ASA Holidays!Additional Tours :RMB600/paxSuzhou Guanqian Street + Nanjing Mt. Niushou ECO Car + Wuxi Nanchang St. Night Market + Hangzhou Chenghuang Pavilion + Shanghai boat ride Huangpu River
Day 1新加坡—上海 / 苏州

齐集新加坡樟宜国际机场,乘搭 国际航班飞往上海浦东机场。当地导游接机后乘车前往苏州,途中车游【金鸡湖风景区】,观赏网红地标【东方之门】。续程游览【狮子林】,这是苏州四大名园之一,至今已有650多年的历史,为元代园林的代表号称“假山王国”。建筑大师贝聿铭的贝氏家族把西洋造园手法和家祠引入园中,使其成为融禅宗之理、园林之乐于一体的寺庙园林。自费项目:【苏州观前街】观前街运用“儒道互补”的原理,以玄妙观为核心分布知名餐饮。
午餐 / 晚餐
Day 2第二天:苏州 / 南京

早餐后前往南京,游览【牛首山风景区】。牛首山是中国佛教名山,文化底蕴深厚,又名天阙山,是金陵四大名胜之一,中欧航旅独家安排绕塔祈福,并特别赠送季节赏花:1-2月腊梅 / 3-4月梅花、樱花、海棠花 / 7-9月荷花 / 11-12月枫叶。前往【夫子庙秦淮风光带】,这里不仅是南京历史文化荟萃之地,也是中国最大的传统古街市。到访【老门东历史文化街区】,是南京传统民居聚集地,在老门东既可品味南京特色小吃,又能近距离观看非遗技艺。
早餐 / 午餐
Day 3第三天:南京 / 无锡

早餐后前往【大报恩寺】,大报恩寺遗址公园是中国规格最高、规模最大、保存最完整的寺庙遗址,被誉为中世纪世界七大奇迹之一。续程前往无锡,【鼋头渚】是太湖风光最美的一角,“太湖佳绝处,毕竟在鼋头”。你可尽情欣赏四季花卉:3-4月樱花 / 6-8月荷花 / 11-12月枫叶、银杏。接着游览惠山古镇,尽享江南古镇特色。 自费项目:【无锡南长街夜市】无锡极具烟火气息的夜市,在这里可以获得味蕾上的满足。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 4第四天:无锡 / 杭州

早餐后,驱车前往杭州,漫步【西湖】赏景品花:春夏季线路:柳浪闻莺、苏堤春晓 / 秋冬季线路:桂雨满陇桂花、九溪十八涧枫叶。接着到访【涌金公园】【涌金门】,相传西湖的湖水来自于涌金门下的金牛。【湖滨银泰商业街】保留了江南特有的骑楼青砖等设计元素,分布诸多国际品牌旗舰店,是您购物娱乐上佳之地。自费项目:【登杭州城隍阁】城隍阁位于吴山之巅,炫煌富丽,融合元、明殿宇建筑风格,兼揽杭州江、山、湖、城之胜。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 5第五天:杭州 / 乌镇

早餐后,太子湾公园游览赏花(春季:郁金香、樱花、玉兰花 / 秋季:彼岸花)。随后前往【十里梅坞茶乡品茗】,通过西湖龙井了解国茶文化,体验农家采摘农趣。江南著名水乡【乌镇东栅】素有“鱼米之乡,丝绸之府”之称,乘坐游船穿梭在枕水民居之间。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 6第六天:乌镇 / 上海

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 7第七天:上海

Day 8第八天:上海—新加坡

早餐后,根据时间送往机场,结束愉快的旅行。希望您和中欧航旅共同度过了美妙愉快的时光!保证自费:RMB600 / pax苏州观前街 + 南京牛首山电瓶车 + 无锡南长街夜市 + 杭州登城隍阁 + 上海船游黄浦江
*Note: Confirmed departure dates were highlighted in Green color .
More departure dates are coming soon
*Please note that the above visa information should be used as a reference without warranties.
A gratuities fee will be given to the guide & driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.
Useful Info
.In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the
itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice
in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.
· All bookings will be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this brochure.
· Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.
· Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.
· The tour is conducted in Mandarin.
· All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.
· During major events, accommodation may not be available in the city mentioned.
· ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your trip to ensure coverage.
· All flights are subject to change without prior notice.
· In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese version.
· Room types are based on the run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences in the room allocated.
· Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.
· Gratuity: A nominal fee of RMB 30 per person per day will be given to the guide and driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.