Direct flight to Guiyang, only 3 hours and 40 minutes!!!
Experience Asia's largest waterfall,
which has been recognized by the
Guinness World Records as the
"largest waterfall group in the
world .
Bopi Banquet, Long Table Feast,
Local Chicken Delicacies,
Farmhouse Cuisine, Guizhou
Cuisine, King of Mushrooms
Hotpot, Lake Fish Feast, Peacock
Banquet, Meat Pie and Chicken.

Assemble at Changi Airport and fly toGuiyang. Upon arrival, head toQingyan Ancient Town, which wasonce a military stronghold during theMing and Qing dynasties. The town ishome to many famous historicalresidences and natural landscapes,making it a must-visit for thoseseeking to explore its rich history.Afterward, continue to Anshun.
Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, visit the HuangguoshuScenic Area, (Tianxing Bridge,Doupotang Waterfall, and the electriccar ride and one-way escalator),Afterward, proceed to Xingyi.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

This morning, Visit the MalingshanRiver Gorge Scenic Area (includingelevators). Afterward, head toWanfenglin (Wanfeng Forest) and enjoythe electric car ride. The Baguatian(Eight Trigram Field) is located at thecenter of the farmland, with its neatlystacked and layered fields that willleave you in awe.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, visit Wanfeng Lake(including a boat ride). The lake areahas a vast water surface, surroundedby green mountains, making it aperfect place to relax and enjoynature. Then, proceed to TianlongTunbao (at your own expense).
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, head to XijiangQianhu Miao Village (including anelectric car ride and Miao costumeexperience). It is the largest Miaoethnic village in the world. Xijiang isalso home to the renowned SilverSmith Village, where Miao silverjewelry is entirely handmade, withcraftsmanship of an exceptionally highstandard.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, head to Kala Village,where visitors can experience the richcultural atmosphere of the Miao andDong ethnic groups. Then, proceed tothe Daqikong Scenic Area, where theSeven Arches Bridge, made up ofseven natural stone caves, offersspectacular views. Afterward,optionally visit Xiashi Ancient Town (atyour own expense, including anelectric car ride).
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

After breakfast, visit the XiaoqikongScenic Area (including an electric carride). The area is named after the"Seven Arches Bridge," which is madeup of seven natural stone caves,creating a truly spectacular sight.In the afternoon, return to Guiyangand visit Qingyun Market, a great placefor shopping, experiencing localculture, and sampling delicious food.After dinner,transfer to the airport totake your flight back to Singapore.We hope you have had a wonderfuland enjoyable time with ASA Holidays!
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Day 1贵阳-安顺

午餐 / 晚餐
Day 2安顺-兴义

早餐后,游览⻩果树景区+ 天星桥+陡坡塘+电瓶⻋+单程扶梯】,亚洲最⼤的瀑布,景区内以⻩果树⼤瀑布(⾼ 77.8⽶,宽101.0⽶)为中⼼,分布着雄、奇、险、秀⻛格各异的⼤⼩18个瀑布,形成⼀个庞⼤的瀑布“家族”。被⼤世界吉尼斯总部评为世界上最⼤的瀑布群。壮观的黄果树⼤瀑布是世界上唯⼀可以从上、下、前、后、左、右六个方位观赏的瀑布,也是世界上有⽔帘洞⾃然贯通且能从洞内外听、观、摸的瀑布。明代伟⼤的旅⾏家徐霞客考察赞叹道:“捣珠崩⽟,⻜沫反涌,如烟雾腾空,势甚雄伟;所谓‘珠帘钩不卷,匹练挂遥峰’,俱不⾜以拟其壮也,⾼峻数倍者有之,⽽从⽆此阔⽽⼤者”。之后前往兴义。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 3兴义

早餐后,【⻢岭河峡⾕景区+上下行电梯】国家级⻛景名胜区⻢岭河峡⾕,位于兴义城东北6公⾥,⻢岭河发源于乌蒙⼭系⽩果岭,上游叫清⽔河,中游因两岸有⻢别⼤寨和⻢岭寨⽽称⻢岭河。从河源⾄河⼝⻓约100公⾥的流程内, 落差近千⽶, 下切能⼒强,在海拔1200⽶的坦荡平川上切割出⻓达74.8 公⾥、⾕宽50—150⽶、⾕深120-280⽶的⻢岭河峡⾕。之后【万峰林+电瓶⻋】万峰林景区位于贵州省兴义市东南部,⽓势宏⼤壮阔,⼭峰形态奇特,是中国最⼤、最具典型性的喀斯特峰林。八卦田平卧农田中央,层叠有序,让您叹为观止。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 4兴义-安顺

早餐后, 游览万峰湖(含游船),湖区水面宽广,四周被青山环抱,是一个非常放松和欣赏大自然的地方。之后前往天龙屯堡(自费),欣赏地戏表演(含电瓶车)。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 5安顺-凯里

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 6凯里-荔波

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 7荔波-贵阳 / 新加坡

早餐后,前往小七孔景区(含电瓶车),由于景区内的“七孔桥”而得名, 它由七个天然的石 洞组成,十分壮观。景区不仅有美丽的自然景观,还有丰富的动植物资源,是游客体验自然、探险和摄影的理想场所。下午返回贵阳,前往青云市集,这里不仅是购物的好去处,也是体验当地文化、品尝美食的好地方。青云市集常常吸引着很多游客和当地居民,成为贵阳周边人们日常生活和休闲的社交场所.晚餐后乘搭国际班机⻜返温暖的家园-新加坡。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
*Note: Confirmed departure dates were highlighted in Green color .
More departure dates are coming soon
More departure dates are coming soon
*Please note that the above visa information should be used as a reference without warranties.
A gratuities fee will be given to the guide & driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.
Useful Info
.In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the
itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice
in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.
· All bookings will be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this brochure.
· Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.
· Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.
· The tour is conducted in Mandarin.
· All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.
· During major events, accommodation may not be available in the city mentioned.
· ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your trip to ensure coverage.
· All flights are subject to change without prior notice.
· In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese version.
· Room types are based on the run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences in the room allocated.
· Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.
· Gratuity: A nominal fee of RMB 30 per person per day will be given to the guide and driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.