Assemble at Singapore Changi Airport for your flight to Lanzhou via Shanghai.
Meals On Board

Statue of the Mother of the Yellow River, witnessing the grandeur of the statue and the Yellow RiverWaterwheel Garden. A distant view of the Yellow River Iron Bridge - Zhongshan Bridge, one of the iconiclandmarks in Lanzhou. The Leitai Han Tomb of Wuwei, built during the late Eastern Han to early Wei-Jinperiod. It is a world-renowned treasure and the birthplace of the Chinese tourism symbol "GallopingHorse and Rider." Kumara Jivaka Temple, built during the Sixteen Kingdoms period of the Later LiangDynasty, in honor of the great monk and Buddhist translator, Kumara Jivaka, from the Western Regions.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Wuwei Confucian Temple, one of China’s three major Confucian temples. Zhangye the Giant BuddhaTemple, founded in the first year of the Yong'an era during the Western Xia Dynasty. The RecliningBuddha is the largest Buddha statue still existing in China.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Tour the breathtaking Five-Colored Sandstone Danxia Geological Park (including the sightseeingvehicle), features uniquely shaped, colorful, and magnificent Danxia landforms. Binggou Danxia, wherethe landscape is characterized by towering cliffs, peak forests, and stone pillars. The site is known for itsgrandeur and peculiar formations, famous for its "majestic, perilous, and mysterious" qualities. It has beenlisted as one of the "Top Ten Geographical Wonders of the World."
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

The "World’s Most Majestic Pass" – Jiayu Pass, the western end of the Great Wall of China (include citytower + electric cart ride + certificate). The Mingsha Mountain desert area, where we rode camels, knownas the "ships of the desert." We also toured Crescent Moon Spring, nestled within the embrace ofMingsha Mountain, named for its crescent moon shape. (Includes shoe covers and sandproof masks.)
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

"Mogao Caves, the most famous of China’s Four Great Caves (including Sightseeing vehicle + digitalcinema). Not only is it a cultural gem along the ancient Silk Road, but it is also a treasure trove of Chinesecave art. Headed to Liuyuan, where we took a second-class seat on the high-speed train to Turpan, a majorcity on the ancient Silk Road.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Gaochang Ancient City, the oldest and best-preserved ancient earthen city in the world. The ancientunderground water system, the Karez Wells, which is considered one of China’s Three Great AncientEngineering Projects and is known as the "First Well of China." Flaming Mountain, which is depicted inJourney to the West. Urumqi, the capital of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, which is the farthestcity from the ocean in the world.Additional Tour: Uygur Home Visit + Vineyard Visit with Uygur Song and Dance Performance + Tasting of Dried Fruits
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Tianshan Tianchi Scenic Area (Mt Heavenly and Heavenly Lake), known as the Pearl of the TianshanMountains (shuttle bus included). Tianshan Tianchi is an alpine lake formed by ancient glaciers and debrisflows blocking river channels. Proceeded to Fuyun, passing through the Kalamaili Nature Reserve, whichis a low mountain range running east to west and the only wild horse breeding and protection reserve inChina. We then crossed the Huoshaoshan area, with rolling hills made of sintered rock in reddish-browncolors, where the sparse camel thorn and wild grass, in shades of green and yellow, are nearly the onlycolors to be seen. We passed through the Gurbantunggut Desert, the second-largest desert in China.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Keketohai Scenic Area, known as the "Cold Pole of China," where winter lasts for seven months, evenreceiving more snowfall than the northeastern regions of China. Erqis River Grand Canyon, the main scenicarea of Keketohai, which is characterized by large metamorphic granite geological formations and thenatural beauty of the canyon. After nightfall, we visited the Burqin Grilled Fish Night Market, a place fullof ethnic charm!
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Drive to "Oriental Switzerland" Kanas Lake (including shuttle bus). Entering Kanas Scenic Area, enjoy themysterious and quiet Wolong Bay, Shenxian Bay, Moon Bay and other beautiful scenery on the way.After arriving at the lake area, stroll along the lakeside, appreciate the green slopes, ink forests, colorfulflowers and butterflies, the lake and mountains, and feel the pleasant scenery of Kanas Lake.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Hemu Village (including shuttle bus + sightseeing bus). Kanas, located in Burqin County, Xinjiang, is theconcentrated living place of the Tuva people. It is one of the only three remaining Tuva villages (HemuVillage, Kanas Village and Baihaba Village). The first beach in the world - Colorful Beach, with Gobi on oneside and oasis on the other side of the river bank. The morning glow and the afterglow of the setting sunmake it dazzling.
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Urho Devil's City (including a ride on the sightseeing train), a rare wind-eroded landscape, also known asthe "Wind City" due to the constant strong winds. The hills here have been shaped by the wind intovarious "buildings" — such as the Six Harmonies Pagoda, the Temple of Heaven, the Pyramid, Angkor Wat,and more. Along the way, we can also enjoy the magnificent Gobi Desert scenery, offering a uniqueexperience.Additional Tour : Visit the Gem Beach Poplar Forest
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner

Drive back to Urumqi. The largest Grand Bazaar - Xinjiang International Bazaar, which is the "Window ofXinjiang", "Window of Central Asia" and "Window of the World".
Breakfast / Lunch

After breakfast, say goodbye to Urumqi and take a flight back to Singapore via Shanghai. We wish you apleasant and unforgettable trip to Northern Xinjiang with ASA Holiday. Thank you for your support.
Meals On Board / Breakfast
Day 1新加坡 - 兰州 (经中转城市)

Day 2兰州/武威

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 3武威/张掖

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 4张掖/酒泉

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 5酒泉/嘉峪关/敦煌

前往‘天下雄关’- 嘉峪关,是古丝绸之路的必经关隘和东西文化的交流要道,距今600多年的历史,是万里长城西段终点(含登城楼+电瓶车+发放通关文碟)。游览嘉峪关城楼,它是万里长城最西端,南面是终年积雪的祈连山,北面是连绵起伏的马鬃山。接着前往鸣沙山沙漠地带,在此骑乘沙漠之舟-骆驼,参观月牙泉在鸣沙山怀抱之中,因其形状似月牙而名之。(含鞋套及防沙口罩 )
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 6敦煌/柳园 ### 吐鲁番

早餐后,游览中国四大石窟之首-莫高窟(含环保车+数字影院),它不但是古代丝路上的一颗文物明珠,也是中国石窟艺术的宝库。游罢后,前往柳园, 乘坐高铁二等座前往古丝绸之路上的重镇-吐鲁番。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 7吐鲁番/乌鲁木齐

早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 8乌鲁木齐/富蕴

今早,前往游览天山天池(含电瓶车+区间车+船游)。天山天池位于天山山脉博格达冰峰之半山腰,海拔1980米,是全新疆最负盛名的旅游风景区。在此可以眺望天山雪峰,白雪皑皑。游罢后前往富蕴。途经卡拉麦里自然保护区,一条东西走向的低矮山脉,中国唯一的野马放养保护区。穿过火烧山,连绵起伏的山丘,由烧结岩构成一片赭红色,除了稀疏的骆驼刺和野草的或绿或黄,几乎见不到其它色彩。 途经古尔班通古特沙漠,是中国第二大沙漠。这里有一望无际的沙海黄浪,有红柳盛开的林木风光。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 9富蕴/布尔津

今早, 前往可可托海景区,号称中国寒极,一年冬季有7个月,比东北降雪还要多。因特殊的地质构造,风雨侵蚀和流水切割,形成了许多深沟峡谷,成为集山景、水景、草原、奇石、温泉于一体奇观。续前往额尔齐斯河大峡谷,可可托海的主景区,以大型变质花岗岩地质地貌及峡谷自然风光为特色。入夜后,走进布尔津烤鱼夜市, 是个有民族特色的地方!
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 10布尔津/喀纳斯

中国唯一具欧洲生态系统的喀纳斯风景区(含区间车+环保车),这里蓝天、白云、冰峰、雪岭、森林、草甸、河流与喀纳斯湖交相辉映,湖光山色融为一体,既有北国风光之雄浑,又具江南山水之娇秀,可说是西域之仙景。特别安排沿木栈道漫步,游览状如弯月的月亮湾,再游远看形如蛟龙嬉水的卧龙湾,以及喀纳斯湖的小河岔,将原有的森林草原切割成小岛形成的神仙湾。 位于喀纳斯湖西边山顶的观鱼亭,可观看到喀纳斯湖的整体美景,四分之三的湖面尽收眼底。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 11喀纳斯/布尔津

早餐后,沿禾木河进入阿勒泰山腹地的禾木村, 一个被白桦树、雪山和河流包围的美丽村庄。原生态的自然风光,村落里住着几百户图瓦族人及哈萨克族人。图瓦族人部落,有着林中百姓及云间部落之称,自称是成吉思汗的后裔,供奉成吉思汗。续程前往独一无二的绚丽奇景-五彩滩,河岸两边一边是戈壁一边是绿洲,朝霞与落日的余晖使其绚烂夺目。
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 12布尔津/克拉玛依

早餐后,驱车前往乌尔禾魔鬼城(含观光小火车),罕见的风蚀地貌,又称为风城,常年大风不断。这里的山丘被风吹成了各式各样的“建筑物”—六和塔、天坛、金字塔、吴哥窟 … 应有尽有。沿途还可以欣赏到壮丽的戈壁风光,别有一番风味。自费项目:观赏宝石滩胡杨林
早餐 / 午餐 / 晚餐
Day 13克拉玛依/乌鲁木齐

早餐 / 午餐
Day 14乌鲁木齐 —新加坡 (经中转城市)

飞机餐 / 早餐
*Note: Confirmed departure dates were highlighted in Green color .
More departure dates are coming soon
More departure dates are coming soon
*Please note that the above visa information should be used as a reference without warranties.
A gratuities fee will be given to the guide & driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.
Useful Info
.In the event of local religious festivals, unforeseen circumstances and/or bad weather conditions, the sequence of the
itinerary may be changed or altered. Alternative attractions will be substituted without prior notice and/or at short notice
in order to ensure a smoother journey and tour.
· All bookings will be subject to the terms and conditions stipulated in this brochure.
· Admission and entrance ticket will be included when specified.
· Minimum group size of 10 passengers is required for a confirmed departure. Group size of 10 and below will solely be at the discretion of ASA Holidays and passengers need to accept the arrangement.
· The tour is conducted in Mandarin.
· All hotel ratings are based on local standards. In the event that accommodation in the stated hotel is unavailable, it will be replaced by another hotel of similar standards.
· During major events, accommodation may not be available in the city mentioned.
· ASA Holidays recommends you to buy travel insurance for your trip to ensure coverage.
· All flights are subject to change without prior notice.
· In the event of discrepancies between English and Chinese itinerary, please refer to the Chinese version.
· Room types are based on the run of the house and allocated by respective hotels. ASA Holidays will not be responsible for the differences in the room allocated.
· Participation of optional tours will be at passengers’ own choice and expenses.
· Gratuity: A nominal fee of RMB 30 per person per day will be given to the guide and driver in reciprocation for the service rendered.